San Augustine Middle School Home

Welcome to Wolf Nation Texas Logo

Greetings! My name is Lynn Harris and I am so excited to be a part of the San Augustine Middle School family and serve as your new principal. Our school community exhibits dedicated, talented members who...(click read more welcome!)  
Logo School

Our mission

Our Children’s Future...Our Inspiration
Our Vision - Building a community of excellence by nurturing talents, inspiring learners, and developing leaders for an ever-changing world.

Recent news

flu shot registration

!! Student Flu Shot Registration Information !!

Paper forms for student flu shot registration (forms were sent home with the student) must be completed and turned into the office before Fall Break (turned in by Oct. 19th). The online registration form deadline is October 25th. Click "Read Full Story" or the news article headline for more registration information or go to for online registration.
SAES Fall Festival

Elementary Fall Festival

Save the date Thursday, October 17th 10th ~ 5:00 - 7:00
SAES Fall Festival
Come out and join us!

Happy World Teacher Day!!!!

Thank you so very much to our teachers at SAISD!!! Tomorrow, October 5th, we are celebrating teachers all over the world! Everyone give our teachers a big thanks the next time you see them!!!

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