San Augustine Middle School Home

Welcome to Wolf Nation Texas Logo

Greetings from Mr. Watson. Here at San Augustine Middle School we are dedicated to the learning journey.  We are invested in the future of our students and the future of our community.  That is why we seek to instill...("Read More" to view entire Welcome!) 
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Our mission

Our Children’s Future...Our Inspiration
Our Vision - Building a community of excellence by nurturing talents, inspiring learners, and developing leaders for an ever-changing world.

Recent news


Spring Break has Arrived !! March 17-21 !!

Spring break is March 17th through the 21st. Schools and offices are closed but schools reopen and classes will resume the following Monday, March 24. Have a fun and safe break!
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SAISD Interim Superintendent Mr. Marc Griffin Welcome and Introduction Letter!

In his introduction and welcoming letter to our district, Superintendent Mr. Marc Griffin says: "I am honored and excited to introduce myself as the new Interim Superintendent of San Augustine ISD. It is a privilege to join this vibrant and dynamic community, and I am committed to serving our students, families, staff, and community members with dedication, transparency, and collaboration." Please click "Read Full Story" or on the headline to view the entire letter from Superintendent Marc Griffin to Wolf Nation!
Spring Forward Time Change

Set Your Clock Right!!!!

Do NOT forget to spring forward this Saturday! Remember to set your clock an hour ahead on Saturday night!
OAP District Performance

Break a leg SAHS One Act Play Cast & Crew Members!

The UIL One Act Play is Thursday, March 6th, at Panola! The performance begins at 10:00 a.m. but arrive early. The play explores the life of Phillis Wheatley considered the first African-American author of a published book of poetry. Enjoy the show!